Tour Program

Cultural Celebrations: Kyaukse Elephant Dance Festival

Day Return Bagan, Mandalay Division Festive Sojourn

The Ananda Pagoda is a magnificent and historically significant sacred site in Bagan, Myanmar. Built by King Kyansittha in 1090, the pagoda symbolizes the Buddha's infinite knowledge and is widely regarded as the largest, finest, and best-preserved pagoda in the region. Despite suffering severe damage from historical earthquakes, the pagoda remains a beautiful and cherished site.Each year in the month of Pyahto (December to January in the Myanmar calendar), the Ananda Pagoda Festival takes place for a week. This vibrant...

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Cultural Celebrations: Ananda Pagoda Festival in Bagan

Day Return Bagan, Mandalay Division Festive Sojourn

The Elephant Dancing Festival at Kyaukse is a significant cultural event in Myanmar that highlights the historical importance of elephants in the country's culture and history. The festival offers a special chance to commemorate the enduring bond between people and these majestic animals. The event, which is held every year for two days and is roughly 40 kilometers southeast of Mandalay, begins the day before Thadingyut's Full Moon Day and ends on that day.Giant elephant statues are paraded through the...

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Cultural Celebrations: Kachin Manaw (Manau) Festival

Day Return Kachin State Festive Sojourn

Myanmar is renowned for its year-round festivals, earning it the title "Land of Festivals." The Kachin Manaw Festival, also known as Manau Pwe, is one festival that stands out because it showcases the country's ethnic culture and solidarity. The festival, which has been going on for more than 30 years, honors the New Year, victories in battles, and tribal reunions. One of the largest ethnic groups in the nation, the Kachin, come together from several communities, including Lachid, Lhaovo, Lisu,...

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Cultural Celebrations: Naga New Year Festival

Day Return Kachin State Festive Sojourn

Myanmar is home to more than 100 ethnic groups, each with its own customs and traditions. Among these groups are the Naga tribes, who have lived in independent village republics and have been isolated from outside culture for a long time. They live in the highlands of northeast India and Myanmar's northwest corner. To this day, the Naga people continue to celebrate a New Year Festival, demonstrating their sovereignty, strength, and commitment to their traditions. The Naga traditional New Year...

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Cultural Celebrations: Tazaungdaing Festival (Hot Air Balloon Festival)

Day Return Inle Lake, Shan State Festive Sojourn

The Tazaundaing Fire Balloon Festival is held annually in November in the ethnically diverse capital of Shan State, Taunggyi. This festival, in sharp contrast to other calm celebrations, is characterised by loud music, colorful fireworks, and blazing neon lights. But who really steals the show? The stunning hot air balloons in all of their vibrant splendour.Myanmar's Tazaundaing celebration, held on the Tazaungmon full moon day in November, marks the end of the rainy season. Interestingly, the tradition of the Taunggyi...

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Cultural Celebrations: Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda Festival

Day Return Inle Lake, Shan State Festive Sojourn

The Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda Festival (Inle Lake in Nyaung Shwe, Shan State) Welcome to the enchanting Inle Lake, where you'll find the Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda, a must-see religious site in Myanmar. Inside the pagoda, you'll discover five small gilded Buddha images, each smothered in a mass of gold leaf. These golden orbs are so heavily covered in gold that their original forms are now almost unrecognizable! The Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda Festival is one of the prominent Buddhist...

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