
Thanlyin was once a major port and an important trading centre but was heavily damaged in 1756 during the Mon revolt and as a consequence, nearby Yangon prospered. Spend time exploring some of the ruins of the once glorious structures whilst gaining an insight into Myanmar’s traditional ways of life.

Top Sites in Thanlyin
  • Morning Market in Thanlyin

    Explore at bustling Thanlyin Morning Market. Here, wandering around the vendors’ shops and stalls, you will gain a real insight into the everyday lives of the local people.

  • Horse Cart Experience

    One of the best ways to see Thanlyin is by hiring a local horse cart used by local merchants to transport goods in and out of the market. The local standard horse cart offers an authentic local experience and interacts with locals. From the horse cart, discover the lush, green scenery and the locals enjoying their rural lifestyle.

  • Kyauk Tan Yele Pagoda (Kyaik Hmaw Wun Island Pagoda)

    The Kyaik Hmaw Wun Pagoda also known as Yele Island Pagoda is located 15 km south of Thanlyin Town. The only way to reach the pagoda is by a local boat for a short crossing to the tiny island in the middle of the river. The complex was built during the Pada Dynasty in the 3rd Century B.C. and comprises several structures, including a monastery. 

  • Local Villages

    Discover local villages near Thanlyin where you can take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to walk the village’s shaded streets, engage with the friendly residents, and get an unvarnished view of life in a typical Myanmar village. 

  • Kyaik Khauk Pagoda

    This ancient Mon pagoda was in active service between the 17th and 20th centuries. It is a perfect place to capture a panoramic view of the Bago River and the skyline of the city of Yangon.

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