Tour Program

Myanmar Explorer

12 Days - 11 Nights Bagan, Heho, Indein, Inle Lake, Kalaw, Mandalay Division, Mingun, Naypyidaw, Nyaung Shwe, Yangon Division Big Group Journey

One of the best ways to discover Myanmar’s countryside overview and unique cultural sites is by car. This program will offer you Myanmar highway experience and also a great opportunity to explore Myanmar’s New Capital “Nay Pyi Taw” along the way. Travel from vibrant Yangon to cultural hub Mandalay, drop by the capital Nay Pyi Taw in between to get up close with the “gentle giants” and visit their home – the Hmaw Yaw Gyi elephant camp. Discover the temple-studded...

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Charms of Myanmar

10 Days - 9 Nights Amarapura, Bagan, Heho, Indein, Inle Lake, Mandalay Division, Mingun, Mt. Popa, Nyaung Shwe, Pindaya, Sagaing Division, Yangon Division Big Group Journey

From classic colonial buildings and icon, religious monuments to the mesmerizing landscapes, quaint countryside, fascinating ethnic tribes, Myanmar is as diverse as it is charming. Discover the very best of Myanmar with unique experiences in each destination in this 10-day engaging tour.

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