
Travel Life Partner

Why! Myanmar Voyages involved in Travel Life Today global sustainability is a vital role for all of our future and three major factors are being involved in sustainable tourism. Key issues are to minimize negative economic environmental and social impacts. Sustainable Tourism generates greater economic benefits for local people and enhances the well-being of host communities, improves working conditions and access to the industry in order to involve local people in decisions that affect their lives and life chances. So, Myanmar Voyages intend to make positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, to the maintenance of the world’s diversity. Travelife is a leading training, management, and certification initiative for tourism companies that are committed to sustainability. Travelife was founded with the support of ABTA …

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MV Sustainability Policy

Myanmar Voyages Sustainability Policy Myanmar Voyages has established “Sustainability Policy” which promotes sustainable practices on social and environmental commitments. The policy explained the practices not only to employees but also to our clients and stakeholders. 1. Sustainability at Myanmar Voyages Myanmar Voyages’ role in society is to facilitate tourism activities and stimulate economic development in a way that ultimately drives sustainability progress. We strive to do so by acting on our purpose to empower people to stay ahead in development and in business by ensuring long term success measured by the sum of all of its parts economic, social and environmental. 1.1. Myanmar Voyages’ Sustainability Direction Sustainability is not what we do to promote business, but we show our enthusiasm and genuine interest on how we do it.

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MV Green Treat

Since Myanmar Voyages is a leading Eco-friendly Tourism Entrepreneur in Myanmar, all of MV’s Inbound and Outbound guests are being facilitated the following services : ( 1 ) Provide Plastic free reusable water bottles with customized particular company logo as a souvenir and promote for partner’s brand. (Free drinking water can be refilled at fresh water stations not only in Hotels & restaurants but vehicle or river cruise on board.) ( 2 ) Complimentary plastic free recycle bag made by local community in order to support village home cottage industry as their small business sustainability. ( 3 ) Wet tissue pack instead of single pack for reducing plastic to save our planet and refreshing our guests’ pleasant journeys. ( 4 ) Paperless travel information services are trying to be provided for the sake of save Bamboo forests on our earth by linking digitalized info-tech such as QR

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MV Green Guidelines

Myanmar Voyages has Green Guidelines which promote sustainable practices on 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We share these practices not only within our team, but also with suppliers, clients and other stakeholders, strongly encouraging them to follow. The objective is to contribute & to preserve Myanmar natural resources and develop the country in a healthy and sustainable way, making it a better place to live without losing its unique essence. To achieve that we are committed to: • Minimise energy consumption and carbon emissions. • Comply with labour laws and protect human rights. • Promote responsible tourism all over the world. How do we plan to do that? These are the Green Guidelines the company follows and encourage stakeholders to follow:

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Responsible Traveller

Travel is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Exploring new countries, learning about different cultures and trying adventures is something that can change your perspectives on life forever. Being a responsible traveller is easy. It does not require much effort and in fact, it can make your experience much more authentic and real. Responsible tourism is all about leaving a positive impact on not only the environment, but also the people who live in the places you choose to visit. The following actions are based on the World Tourism Organisations guideline to become a responsible traveller. Myanmar Voyages encourages all travellers to be responsible before, during and after your journey. Thus, we would like to share a few tips with you to be a responsible traveller.

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Animal in Tourism

Since Myanmar is one of the last countries in the region to use animals’ power for cultivation, transportation and wood production but Myanmar peoples are not willing to serve those animals in the tourism industry like others. However, Tourism trend is changing due to high demand and competitiveness. Most of the responsible tour operators are balancing and avoiding animal abuse in tour operations. The following tourist’s activities are being used for animals occasionally. ( 1 ) Horse cart/ Ox cart riding experiences: In fact, it is really supported for local communities and also survival of animals but it will be controlled for over capacity, on the other hand save the environment by reducing carbon pollution.

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