MV Green Treat

Since Myanmar Voyages is a leading Eco-friendly Tourism Entrepreneur in Myanmar, all of MV’s Inbound and Outbound guests are  being facilitated the following services :

( 1 ) Provide Plastic free reusable water bottles with customized particular company logo as a souvenir and promote for partner’s brand.

(Free drinking water can be refilled at fresh water stations not only in Hotels & restaurants but vehicle or river cruise on board.)

( 2 ) Complimentary plastic free recycle bagmade by local community in order to support village home cottage industry as their small business sustainability.

( 3 ) Wet tissue pack instead of single pack for reducing plastic to save our planet and refreshing our guests’ pleasant journeys.

( 4 ) Paperless travel information services are trying to be provided for the sake of save Bamboo forests on our earth by linking digitalized info-tech such as QR quote etc instead of paper map, pamphlets, Itinerary folders, paper tickets/ labels.

( 5 ) Power saving electrical items such as LED lights, solar plates and renewable energy are being installed at our offices & encourage to aware our associated suppliers.

( 6 ) Controllable water usages: measures are being made not only our office, but  our office staffs, guides and associated suppliers by educating  how’s important of water as scarce resources.

( 7 )Green oriented waste management systembased on Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable garbage bins are being provided in our offices and encouraging to our service providers .

Traditional Present (Local Souvenir)

Customer Services


RecyGlo committed to providing environmentally friendly recycling solutions to Myanmar. Founded  in 2017 and their mission is to process materials in a safe, non-hazardous manner with an aim to keep the world environmentally clean.

Myanmar Voyages became a partner of RecyGlo in November 2019 and at the end of  April 2020, RecyGlo presented the  First & Second Quarters Report for a waste audit to Myanmar Voyages.

Refill Bottles and Water Refill Station

Reducing the usage of single-use Plastic Bottles while traveling in Myanmar, Myanmar Voyages would like to encourage all of our partners, clients to use Refill Bottles and to enjoy a “zero single-use plastic” experience once a time in Myanmar. We still offer the guest an option to use plastic water bottles however, the guest can make their stay completely plastic-free if they wish. Free drinking water can be refilled at fresh water stations not only in Hotels & restaurants but vehicle or river cruise on board.

Myanmar Voyages aims to educate all of our suppliers such as hotels, restaurants, and others to provide water refill stations at their properties.

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