Travel Life Partner

Why! Myanmar Voyages involved in Travel Life 

Today global sustainability is a vital role for all of our future and three major factors are being involved in sustainable tourism. Key issues are to minimize negative economic environmental and social impacts. 

Sustainable Tourism generates greater economic benefits for local people and enhances the well-being of host communities, improves working conditions and access to the industry in order to involve local people in decisions that affect their lives and life chances.

So, Myanmar Voyages intend to make positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, to the maintenance of the world’s diversity. 

Travelife is a leading training, management, and certification initiative for tourism companies that are committed to sustainability. Travelife was founded with the support of ABTA in the UK and ANVR in the Netherlands in 2007 as a thoroughly responsible tourism certification scheme for tour operators and hotels. Travelife certification for tour operators and travel agents comes in three rising stages: Engaged, Partner, and Certified. The Travelife Partner award is a recognition of our commitment to social and environmental sustainability. We are complying with more than 100 criteria related to sustainability management, office operations, working with suppliers and customer communication.

Myanmar Voyages engaged with Travelife in May 2018 and is proud to have achieved Travelife partner (stage 2) in February 2019. We are working towards further improvements aiming to eventually reach the Travelife Certified stage by 2021.

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